Monday, April 30, 2012

We've been without Rose all year

Once again.  Black nerd.  Me.  I'm it.  But let's go one step further.  I'm a Black nerd from the Midwest (Northwest Indiana).  We Hoosiers from the northwestern tip of the boot are Bulls fans.  That said, with the NBA playoffs in full swing, the Chicago Bulls have lost their superstar point guard Derrick Rose for the remainder of the playoffs.  Saturday night while facing the Philadelphia 76ers Rose jumped and when he landed  suffered a torn ACL.

Seeing as how Rose is clearly the best player and the leader of the team, the pundits and analysts have pronounced the Bulls dead.  I think not.  Let's examine things. The Bulls played 27 games without Derrick Rose this past season due to his assorted injuries.  Of those 27 games they won 18 games including a win against the Miami Heat (the favorite to win the Eastern Conference).  In fact shortly after Rose's return they faced the Heat and Rose only scored 2 points.  So I don't think it would be....prudent to count the team with the best regular season record out because of Rose's absence.  This has all the makings of a tortoise and the hare kind of story.  We all know what happened to the hare.

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