Monday, March 26, 2012

Hoodies for Trayvon

Even though it's starting to feel kinda like a fad, I really dig the whole wearing your hoodie in support of Trayvon thing.  We discussed Trayvon a couple posts ago and if you don't know Trayvon Martin was gunned down by an armed security guard in Florida earlier this month.  But since that time ,mostly on social media sites, many people have flooded the internet with images of them with their hoodies on in support of justice for Trayvon.  As of today George Zimmerman still hasn't been arrested.  The reason for the hoodies is that is what Trayvon was wearing that made him look so "suspicious".  I've seen people go as far as to not only take photos with their hoodie on but also add skittles and iced tea (Skittles and iced tea were what Trayvon purchased from the store shortly before he was killed).

I haven't gone as far as to take and post my own picture with a hoodie but I do share the sentiment.  Justice for Trayvon.  I wonder do I look suspicious when I wear mine.

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