Monday, March 19, 2012

I've mentioned before the magnitude of the word Black as it pertains to race.  So, here is a tragic story out of Florida about a 17 year old Black kid named Trayvon Martin who a was murdered.  It was reported to police by armed neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman because he was "suspicious".   Zimmerman was apparently told NOT to pursue Martin but he did anyway.  An altercation ensued and it ended with Martin being fatally shot.  The best part of this story is that Zimmerman to this day hasn't been arrested.  This incident happened three weeks ago.

I try not to play the race card in places where it doesn't fit.  I won't play it here.  I'm not saying that there isn't a place for it here (although Zimmerman did feel compelled to tell the 911 operated that Martin was a Black man).  I know all about Florida's "stand you ground" law.  But let's do some simple math on this one since I am in fact a Black nerd.

1 Black man dead
1 good intentioned, still unarrested killer
stand your ground law validating said killer
1 Young Black Man Still DEAD with the killer unarrested.  "Where they do dat at?"

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