Monday, March 12, 2012


In my journeys online last year I was searching for a movie review.  I decided during that time that I was really tired of spending my hard earned money on movies that SU.....were sub par.  That said I came across a review on YouTube done by members of a website called  I don't remember what movie it was for but I really enjoyed the review.  I especially enjoyed how the reviewers didn't have an air of being "movie snobs".  It seemed more like a review done in a frat house.  I have been a fan of the site since that time.

I did a little research and the site was created by an animator named Korey Coleman, a Black man.  Imagine my surprise!  Every year the members of the "spill crew" host a convention in Austin called SpilldotCon.  This year I have to attend.  I invite all of my Black Nerd friends to check out the website and look into Spillcon.

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